Sunday, March 13, 2011

Horse Float For Sale

Horse Float is a conveyance used to haul horses. It is popularly known as a horse van or a horse trailer. Horse float for sale in Sydney are available in different sizes and designs ranging from small units to large units to long gooseneck designs. The size of the unit determines what sort of a vehicle would be required to pull the horse float. A small horse float can carry up to 2 or 3 horses and can be pulled by a SUV or a pick-up truck, a large unit is like a semi-trailer and is capable of holding a significant number of animals and a gooseneck design is pulled by a 1 ton pick- up unit can carry up to 6 or 8 horses. Horse floats are specially designed for safety and comfort of the horses. Moreover, the design of horse floats is more elaborate as compared to other trailers since hauled horses must reach for work or competitions even in the peak physical conditions.

There are numerous advantages of owning a horse float. Even in harsh weather conditions one has the freedom to haul their horse or horses and take them wherever and whenever they want, whether taking them to the vat, or to competition or sport, or for a ride to a different location. The horse float for sale which has electric brakes and some optional extras such as tack boxes, water tanks, hay racks and awnings is a popular with horse owners. Apart from this also there are some key features that make a horse float for sale more desirable. These are; enough roof height for the horses, enough room for horses, sound and solid flooring, good ventilation, fixed rubber matting on the ramp and floor, multiple tie-up points and guard over large windows.